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New Economic Ideas

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A New Economy | New Business Models


Sep 17, 2024 #documentaries#economy#finance A New Economy – About people making a fresh start towards building a new economy. A New Economy features seven interwoven stories. Among them are a small craft-brew coop, a peer-to-peer open hardware lab and an urban agricultural social enterprise. A New Economy (2016) Director: Trevor Meier Writers: Trevor Meier Stars: Michael Ableman, Portia Antonia Alexis, Sabina Ali Genre: COPYRIGHT: All of the films published by us are legally licensed. We have acquired the rights (at least for specific territories) from the right holders by contract. If you have questions please send an email to:, Moconomy GmbH,

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Regenerative Economic Expert JOHN FULLER JP MORGAN (former Managing Partner)

John Fuller’s Vision for Circulating Community Growth and Alternative Economies

In an era where global economic systems are undergoing rapid transformations, individuals like John Fuller from JP Morgan are leading the conversation on alternative economies and the power of circulating community growth. Fuller, a visionary in the financial world, has been exploring how innovative financial structures can foster more equitable, sustainable, and resilient communities. His insights on alternative economies, combined with his commitment to empowering local networks, offer a fresh perspective on how we might reshape the future of finance.

A New Approach to Community Growth

For Fuller, traditional economic models often leave out the most important aspect of growth—community. He believes that economies thrive when local communities are empowered to take ownership of their development. This means shifting the focus away from large, centralized institutions and placing more emphasis on grassroots movements, local businesses, and small-scale entrepreneurship.

His approach, which he refers to as “circulating community growth,” focuses on building systems where wealth and resources are constantly reinvested within the community, rather than being extracted by external forces. By keeping financial resources circulating locally, communities can experience more sustained economic growth, increased job opportunities, and improved social cohesion.

The Role of Alternative Economies

One of the core components of Fuller’s philosophy is the concept of alternative economies. These economies operate outside the bounds of traditional capitalist models, emphasizing local currencies, barter systems, and other forms of exchange that prioritize people and communities over profit. Fuller argues that these systems can provide a more inclusive and adaptable framework for addressing the unique needs of communities.

For instance, he advocates for the creation of local currencies, which can help keep money circulating within a community, supporting local businesses and entrepreneurs. By using a local currency, community members are encouraged to buy goods and services from one another, further strengthening local ties and economic resilience. This model also encourages entrepreneurship, as new businesses can start up with the support of their community, rather than relying on external funding or traditional financial institutions.

Empowering Solopreneurs and Small Businesses

Fuller’s approach is particularly relevant for solopreneurs and small businesses, who often face challenges in accessing traditional financial support. By fostering a community-based economic model, these individuals can tap into local networks of support, resources, and capital. This not only allows for the growth of small businesses but also empowers individuals to take control of their economic destiny.

In Fuller’s view, solopreneurs are a crucial component of the new economy. They are often at the forefront of innovation, bringing fresh ideas and solutions to local problems. By nurturing these entrepreneurs, communities can build a diverse and dynamic economy that is better suited to their unique needs.

Building Resilience Through Collaboration

Another key aspect of Fuller’s vision is the idea of collaboration. He believes that the future of economic growth lies in cooperative efforts, where individuals, businesses, and communities work together to achieve common goals. This contrasts sharply with the competitive nature of traditional economies, where the success of one often comes at the expense of another.

By fostering a culture of collaboration, communities can pool their resources, share knowledge, and create solutions that benefit everyone. This not only strengthens the local economy but also builds social bonds that make communities more resilient in times of crisis.

A Vision for the Future

John Fuller’s ideas on circulating community growth and alternative economies represent a bold reimagining of how we approach economic development. His emphasis on local empowerment, collaboration, and alternative financial systems offers a path forward for communities looking to build a more equitable and sustainable future. By keeping resources circulating within the community and fostering an environment of support and collaboration, Fuller believes that we can create a new kind of economy—one that prioritizes people and communities over profits.

As the world continues to face unprecedented economic challenges, Fuller’s vision offers a glimmer of hope. It reminds us that the strength of any economy lies not in the hands of a few, but in the collective power of individuals and communities working together to create a better future.

Conclusion: A Call to Action for Solopreneurs and Community Leaders

Fuller’s ideas offer a compelling roadmap for solopreneurs, small business owners, and community leaders. His vision calls for more than just economic change—it’s about fostering kindness, collaboration, and empowerment within communities. By embracing alternative economic models and focusing on circulating community growth, we can create vibrant, resilient communities that support and uplift every member.

This is an exciting time for those ready to take charge of their economic future. Whether you’re a solopreneur looking to build your own business or a community leader aiming to make a difference, Fuller’s insights provide the foundation for a more inclusive and people-centered economy. The time for action is now—let’s take steps to build economies that truly benefit everyone.

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