Top 5 People I’m Watching in AI in 2024

Top 5 People I’m Watching in AI in 2024

Top 5 People I’m Watching in AI in 2024

As we move into 2024, the advancements in artificial intelligence continue to accelerate, driven by some of the most innovative minds in the field. Here are the top five individuals I’m closely following for their groundbreaking work and insightful contributions to AI.

1. Andrej Karpathy

  • LinkedIn: N/A
  • Twitter: @karpathy
  • Blog:
  • YouTube: Andrej Karpathy
  • Top audience: Software Engineers
  • Why I follow them: Mostly for his time at Tesla and his insightful YouTube tutorials.
  • Top Posts or Newsletter Articles: N/A
  • Usual Location: Stanford, California
  • Website:
  • Recent Thoughts on Podcast:
    • “We’re entering a new computing paradigm with large language models acting like CPUs, using tokens instead of bytes, and having a context window instead of RAM.”

2. Dwarkesh Patel

3. Philipp Schmid

4. Linxi ‘Jim’ Fan

5. Marily Nika

These individuals are shaping the future of AI, each bringing their unique perspectives and expertise to the field. By following their work, I gain invaluable insights and stay updated on the latest advancements in AI. Whether through their tutorials, interviews, blogs, or innovative projects, they continually inspire and educate, making them the top people I’m watching in 2024.

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